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Scariest Shoes of All Time

Sigh…wrote a post and then WordPress deleted it. Will rewrite in a bit.

“Margaret Atwood, the Canadian novelist, once asked a group of women at a university why they felt threatened by men. The women said they were afraid of being beaten, raped, or killed by men. She then asked a group of men why they felt threatened by women. They said they were afraid women would laugh at them.”

Interesting article going into October and right after the Presidential Debates. Given the very low rate of voter registration fraud, I do find this to be discriminatory. There is already a high barrier to voting, and this is exacerbating it for lower classes.

“We are the most voracious consumers in the world. A world… that could DIE.”

Buy Nothing Day. Melodrama galore.

Incredibly Depressing Find.

More poignant in the context of the California law prohibiting sexual orientation change therapy.

I’ve definitely seen articles on this before addressing elements that work against women in science. Part of what was previously mentioned was that women have to be more self-aware of how they come off to other people, diverting their intellectual attentions from their work.

I suppose I’m from group #1. It had to have been happening, but it’s nice to have solid proof to point to at last.

I agree that women are often underestimated as a source of gender bias as well! I think part of it comes from the mentality of, “if I can do it, why can’t she?”



I saw this article, and it confirmed pretty much everything we had been talking about a few weeks ago in class with implicit associations.  Women are still seen, even by OTHER WOMEN, as not as competent and not as deserving of higher pay.  I agree with the author though that awareness is the first step.  I realized that even my female peers at MIT and probably myself are guilty of this at MIT. Do others feel that they’ve seen sexism, even if subtle and unintentional, at MIT?

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It happens. Sometimes.

Of course Mulan comes out on top, but I thought Belle should have been ranked higher up. She’s well-read, doesn’t care for Gaston and lets him know it, and doesn’t fall for Beast just because he’s “domineering,” but rather because he changes for the better and genuinely loves her. Even enough to let her go.

@louisck I love you and your show but I also think you should really check this out: …

This is actually the first time I heard of this movie, after the Daniel Tosh rape joke fiasco. Will update on reflections on the piece.